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  • Asthma & Hay fever
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  • Pycnogenol® for
    Asthma & Hay Fever

    "Many people who are allergic (sensitive) to various chemicals have found that their allergies disappeared soon after taking antioxidant nutrients for some other reason such as protection against cancer or heart disease." ("The Antioxidants" by Richard A. Passwater, Ph.D., 1985)

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    "Asthma and hayfever are discussed together since the mechanism responsible for the development , as well as treatment, are similar in both.

    Asthma is an allergic disorder characterized by spasm of the bronchial tubes and excessive excretion of a viscous mucous in the lungs that can lead to difficult breathing. It occurs as recurrent attacks, which range from mild wheezing to a life-threatening inability to breathe." (Enclycopedia of Natural Medicine, by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., 1991).

    "Allergy and asthma both involve histamine release, but asthma is more reliant on leukotriene and prostaglandin ratios, whereas allergy is primarily mediated by histamine. In the United States particularly, allergies are often treated with antihistamines. Antihistamines are also widely used to suppress the running noses of the common cold.

    Antihistamines work by interfering with the binding of histamine to cells after it’s release. Pycnogenol® and some other bioflavinoids act to prevent histamine release in the first place, thereby reducing all adverse effects of histamine, not just interfering with their effects on target cells.

    The implication readily noticed by European physicians is that flavanoids, especially Pycnogenol®, are a better approach to allergy and asthma management than antihistamines." (Pycnogenol, The Super "Protector" Nutrient, Richard A. Passwater, Ph.D. & Chithan Kandaswami, Ph.D.,1994).

    Inflammatory Diseases Involve Free Radicals

    "Allergy has been described as a process of inflammation now known to be a disorder of the immune system, which is made up of cells with the capacity for recognizing, evaluating and neutralizing or eliminating alien material.

    Inflammatory diseases include allergies or sensitivities, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, hepatitis, Crohn's disease, lupus erythematosus, and ulcerative colitis. They all involve free radicals and, of course, Pycnogenol® quenches free radicals and inhibits the inflammatory enzymes"("The New Superantioxidant-Plus", pg. 39-40, Keats Publishing,1992.)

    "Histamine is one of the more important mediators in allergic reactions. At the 1990 International Symposium on Pycnogenol, Dr. D. White of the University of Nottingham reported that it (Pycnogenol®) greatly reduces the formation of histamine, and thus, reduces inflammation."

    Pycnogenol® Popular Relief For Hay Fever

    "Hay fever is a common allergy disease. In Finland, Pycnogenol® is very popular for alleviating hay fever symptoms. As mentioned previously, histamine is one of the more important mediators in allergic reactions. At the 1990 International Symposium on Pycnogenol, Dr. D. White of the University of Nottingham reported that it greatly reduces the formation of histamine, and thus, reduces inflammation."

    "Pycnogenol® also inhibits the degranulation of mast cells. Mast cells are large cells with coarse granules that contain histamine. The connective tissue is well-supplied with mast cells. Mast cells are mediators of inflammation upon contact with antigens.

    When mast cells are degranulated, all mediators of the allergic reaction, including histamine, are liberated from the stock inside the mast cell, the granula. Thus Pycnogenol® prevents the liberation of the allergic mediators and the production of one of the main mediators, histamine."("The New Superantioxidant-Plus", pg. 39-40, Keats Publishing,1992.)

    Allergies Disappeared Soon After Taking Antioxidants

    "Chemical hypersensitivities are often caused by free-radical reactions. Some seemingly inert chemicals can be converted into potent free-radical generators by the action of the body enzymes as they metabolize the foreign chemicals in an attempt to remove them from the body. Many people who are allergic (sensitive) to various chemicals have found that their allergies disappeared soon after taking antioxidant nutrients for some other reason such as protection against cancer or heart disease." ("The Antioxidants" by Richard A. Passwater, Ph.D., 1985)

    "As an antioxidant, Pycnogenol®, a blend of special bioflavonoids, reduces free radical-caused tissue damage many times more effective than vitamin E, potentiates the health giving effects of vitamin C, and protects brain and nerve tissue with its nearly unique ability to penetrate the blood brain barrier. It also reduces inflammation and improves circulation, both relieving the distresses of arthritis, diabetes and stroke and promoting prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer. And its ability to bond to collagen promotes renewed youthfulness , flexibility and body integrity... ("The New Superantioxidant-Plus", Keats Publishing,1992.)

    Pycnogenol®’s Outstanding Safety

    The safety of Pycnogenol® has been reviewed in depth by Dr. Peter Rohdewald of the Pharmacology Institute of the University of Munster in Germany during the 1990 International Pycnogenol Symposium in Bordeaux. Dr. Rohdewald stated Pycnogenol® is a safe natural product with no adverse side effects whatsoever.("The New Superantioxidant-Plus", Keats Publishing,1992.)

    Although we have traced the history of Pycnogenol® through more than 450 years, and although it has been used for decades, it seems destined to wider popularity and utility as researchers understand more about it. We have just scratched the surface.("The New Superantioxidant-Plus", Keats Publishing,1992.)

    Not All Pycnogenol® Are Created Equal...

    Not all Pycnogenol® are created equal... The excipients, flow agents, and binders used in preparing Pycnogenol® tablets make all the difference in how it is absorbed by the body. Many companies use low quality cellulose to hold the tablets together, and excipients that make the Pycnogenol® practically non-absorbable. A formulation that enhances rather than detracts from the body's ability to absorb the Pycnogenol® is the difference felt by people trying Pycnogenol®. Many brands in North America test only 10% or 12% bio-available, and none of the other brands test over 30% bio-available.

    Special formulation enables 95% absorption of Pycnogenol®

    Our exclusive proprietory formulation (protected with a second patent) enhances rather than detracts from the body's ability to absorb the Pycnogenol® (this is bioavailability). Each 20mg tablet is 95% bio-available.

    "The special formulation of this Pycnogenol® compound has been proven to bring amazing results in numerous clinical conditions. There are now many companies in the United States now selling Pycnogenol® and many others now illegally infringing on the registered trademarked name, selling grape seed extract compounds and mixing it with pine bark extract.

    There has been no scientific research done on these extracts that can compare with the research done on Pycnogenol®. The results that I have had with this product, are from only one company, and it has the compound with the special formulation that Charles Haimoff (president of Horphag Research Ltd., the Pycnogenol® patent owner) has granted them exclusively." -Dr. W. LaMar Rosquist, Aging Long Life & Better Health

    13 Doctors Talk About Pycnogenol®:
    Get Your
    FREE Copy of the Tape

    There is a brief tape available that reveals all the facts in detail. The tape is entitled, "13 Doctors Confirm, a Health-Building Breakthrough..." You will learn how a new, patented nutritional supplement from France powerfully promotes pain relief, health restoration, more energy and vitality... NATURALLY. You will hear the impressive credentials of 11 medical physicians and 2 doctors of dental surgery, how they use Pycnogenol personally, and the remarkable results they have received recommending it to patients in their practice (including allergies). There is no fee or charge for the tape. It will be mailed to you with absolutely no obligation.

    To be mailed your complimentary copy of the tape, and with "no strings attached", simply fill in the form below.

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    *Information will be sent only with a valid phone number, (used only for the purpose stated herein, all information is kept confidential).
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    MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS: Please send in your comments or queries and we will do our best to provide you with the appropriate infromation.

    Space is provided here for any specific questions you may have regarding Pycnogenol®, or any other questions you might have:


    NOTE: Always consult a health professional should the need for one be indicated. Much of the information here presented has been addressed by literally hundreds of individuals seeking the same solutions, to the same answers, with which you are now engrossed. Such materials have been compiled, reviewed and corrected to the best of the author's ability. It is presented for educational purposes only. It is your personal responsibility to determine the validity of any and all information presented. Pycnogenol® and proanthocyanidins are NOT drugs and NOT represented as having any medicinal value, Pycnogenol® is a nutritional supplement and NOT a drug. Pycnogenol® is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The author hereby declares that this writing is made without any statement or declaration which would represent that he/she is a doctor**, licensed medical professional, or other type of medical counselor.


    Maintained By Sophal Mom ID# 12000048512
    Copyright © 1997 All rights reserved.
    This page and all pages linked to it directly are property of Sophal Mom ID# 12000048512 and may not be reproduced without the express permission of Sophal Mom ID# 12000048512.
    Pycnogenol® is a registered trademark of Horphag Research, Limited, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands, U.K. Protected by U.S. Patent #4,698,360 and international patents.